Sunday, December 8, 2013

WORDS Rule the World, A Collection of Quotations, Volume Three

I've just uploaded my third volume of quotations on Amazon. Should be live tomorrow sometime. On Monday I'll upload same to the online venues of Barnes & Noble and Kobo.

I'm the quote queen to my CPs. I find the wisdom of these words to be timeless, wonderful. Inspirational. They help me be a better person. They help me be a better author.

Have you ever considered using quotes to develop a theme for your next novel? Or as writing prompts? Each volume is about one hundred pages long with at least ten entries per page, so one thousand possible ways to stir our imagination in just one of these three offerings. I know when I read my collections, I find lines that push buttons, raise my ire. Stuff I could devote 90K words of conflict to.

Volume Four is underway already. I find memorable sayings in movies, books, songs, conversations, the Bible. They are to be found everywhere. It's a rare day when I don't add a great thought to my next volume in progress.


Denise Barker, author + blogger + copy editor

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Denise Barker, Author

This is my first post to my blog sporting my author name.

However, this is not my first blog. See and view the 353 and counting posts therein begun 05.03.2011. Most of those are directed to the Indie author with tips, instructions and inspirations for you and me. Some of those entries deal with copyediting rules and spelling guidelines as, you guessed it, I'm a freelance copy editor as well as an author.

As of this writing I have eleven e-book offerings at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, with nine at Kobo (because my two 3-D titles could not be accommodated there) and only three at Smashwords as I personally find the formatting issues to get into their premium catalog to be time-consuming. But I haven't tried them lately, so maybe I should check back, huh?

See my signature below for links to each venue, including my other blog site.

So hello all!

As I build up this area, you'll see more of my covers. Happy to be here. Happy to have you. Happy to see author next to my name!

Denise Barker, author + blogger + copy editor